fun to do kids arizona southeast   Travel for Kids
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  | arizona

Arizona - Southeast

Southeast Arizona may be hot and dry, but it's a land of natural wonders – the amazing saguaro cactus, many kinds of hummingbirds, sparkling caverns underground. Prehistoric people built miles of irrigation canals and carved petroglyphs into the rocks. Some of richest silver and copper mines are found in this area. Traveling around this part of Arizona, kids will get a real appreciation for incredible life in the desert.
    Prehistoric sites
    Tombstone & Bisbee
kids books arizona
Meet the Wild Southwest  
Meet the Wild Southwest
Susan J. Tweit, Joyce Bergen

How do animals and plants survive in the desert? All about roadrunners, spiny cactus, tiny hummingbirds, prairie dogs, digger bees, jackrabbits (which can go 40mph), stinky creosote bush, and more. (Illustrated chapter book)



Cactus Hotel
Brenda Z. Guiberson, Megan Lloyd

A saguaro cactus seed sprouts under a palo verde tree. After fifty years, the cactus blooms and produces fruit, which a woodpecker comes to eat. The woodpecker makes a nest inside the cactus, and soon other birds and animals come to live in holes, a cactus hotel. (Picture book)


Cactus Hotel - kids books Arizona
Desert Song - kids books Arizona  
Desert Song
Tony Johnston, Ed Young

After the sun goes down, the desert fills with songs – the wind whispers, bats fly out, an owl hoots, coyote sings to the moon, a snake leaves a trail in the sand, with no sound. Exquiste collage illustrations! (Picture book)


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