Restormel Castle (Lostwithiel) Restormel is
glorious old 12th-13th century castle, once the residence of Edward the
Black Prince, Duke of Cornwall. Sited what was a Norman motte-and-bailey,
the keep is encircled with a beautiful crenelated stone wall. Inside, there
are ruins of the great hall, the kitchen, sleeping quarters. The castle
was defended with a drawbridge and deep moat, now just a grassy area. As
kids stand on the ramparts, looking out over the countryside, they can imagine
knights, lords and ladies, pages and squires riding up to the castle for
a big feast. |
Shipwreck, Rescue and Heritage Museum (Charlestown, near
St. Austell) See pewter plates, gold and silver coins recovered
from wrecked ships and scenes of Cornish village life. A time honored tradition
in Cornwall was to plunder shipwrecked ships, or better yet, help a ship
come to grief on the rocks. |