fun to do kids salisbury england   Travel for Kids
  | Wiltshire


Salisbury Cathedral
  Salisbury Cathedral – What's more peaceful than an English Gothic cathedral on a summer's day? The cathedral close is perfect for a picnic, and afterwards, the cool shady cathedral is refreshing. Inside the cathedral, check out the lovely stone sarcophagus of William Longspee, buried in 1226, a knight of the Crusades, half-brother to Richard the Lionheart. Longspee is dressed in chain mail armor, holding his sword and shield decorated with six lions.
    Don't miss a fascinating model of how the cathedral was built in the Middle Ages. The Chapter House has one of the four original copies of the Magna Carta on display.
    Cross over the Crane Street Bridge to the Watermeadows, a pleasant park with children's playground and swans in the Avon River. Relax or run around, watch people fishing for pike on the river.
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