Dublinia (next to Christ Church) Dublina is a
hands-on history of Viking and medieval Dublin. Kids can step into a medieval fair pass by the clothing stall (try on clothing and chain mail),
pie stall, medicine tent, spices stall (guess the spice), scribe's stall
(make a rubbing), play a drum or juggle. Also scenes from the plague in
1348, a merchant's house, busy wharf, plus a terrific model of Dublin in
the Middle Ages. |
In Viking Dublin, learn about Viking runes and life on a warship, sit around the fire in a Viking house, try on clothing, and walk down the streets of town. |
Tip: Free with the
Dublin Pass. |
the end, you can climb up St. Michael's Tower, a solid stone tower
with good views of Dublin all around (and continue on to Christ Church Cathedral). |
Christ Church Cathedral Christ Church
Cathedral is the oldest building in Dublin, and the church interior glows
with brilliant stained glass windows, medieval stone carvings and a colorful
tiled floor. |
At the entrance, pick up a copy of "A Young Person's
Guide to Christ Church Cathedral" things kids can look
for in the church, such as the tomb of Strongbow (the great Norman
lord who conquered Dublin), figures of wooden castles, the lion and the
unicorn, the heart of a holy bishop. |
Go down to the medieval crypt, where you can see stone
pillars, original 13th century foundations of the church. |
Tip: Free with the Dublin Pass. |
Dublin Castle Dublin Castle
is not what you might imagine, an 800 year old crumbling castle with birds
roosting in the eaves. The castle is in tip-top shape, but it's not beloved
by the Irish when the English took over, they ruled Ireland
from Dublin Castle. |
To see the castle, it's a guided tour only in two parts. The
first part is a tour of the state apartments and rooms (still in
use), filled with crystal chandeliers, bright carpets and fancy furniture.
Don't miss the presidents of Ireland heraldic coats of arms (each one gets
to make up his or her own, if you like cats, you can have cats on your shield.) |
The second half of the tour, the Undercroft, is fascinating.
You go down inside the Powder Tower, built by the Normans on top
of a Viking wall (which was cemented together with ox blood, hair and eggshells).
Along with the Viking foundations, there's a Norman wall to the Poddle River
and part of a bridge, bricked up in 1348 to keep the plague out of the castle
(it didn't keep the plague out). |
Dubh Linn Gardens Adjoining the castle is a
wide grassy area with park benches, the Dubh Linn Gardens. When you're standing
in the gardens, you're walking over the site of the "black pool,"
the Dubh Linn. |
St. Patrick's Cathedral The national
cathedral of Ireland, St. Patrick's Cathedral, is built on the likely site of a
well where St. Patrick baptized Christian converts in the 5th century. All
kinds of people are buried in the cathedral Jonathan Swift
(author of Gulliver's Travels), recent presidents of Ireland, soldiers,
archbishops, notable men and women. Don't miss the Celtic grave slabs, ornamented
with stone crosses. In the north aisle is a memorable statue of St. Patrick, stained glass windows depict scenes from the life of St. Patrick. |
Tip: Free with the Dublin Pass. |
green park next to the cathedral has a small playground with swings
and slides for toddlers. (St. Patrick's well was located in this park, and
there's always been a church at this site, although the existing cathedral
was rebuilt in the 13th century.) |