Pennsylvania is home to two historic "biggies," Philadelphia, birthplace of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States, and Gettysburg, Civil War battle site. One of thirteen original colonies, Pennsylvania has a long, culturally-diverse history, filled with Native Americans, English, Quakers, Germans, African-Americans, Italians, Irish. On February 2, Groundhog Day, people come to Punxsutawney – will the groundhog see his shadow, foretelling another six weeks of winter? |
Strasburg Rail Road (Ronks) – Take a ride on this historic railroad, operating since 1832. Ride in authentic Victorian coach, or open air car, have lunch in the dining car on the 45 min. excursion train. Also available, special event trains, e.g. Easter bunny train. Here's the schedule. |
Crayola Experience (Easton) – Crayola crayons have been produced in Easton for over 100 years. At the Crayola Experience, see the world's largest crayon and watch crayons being made, color in 4-D, make a dinosaur shaped crayon, and more. |
Hershey chocolates (Hershey) – Pennsylvania is noted for Hershey chocolates, kids will have fun taking a tour to see how chocolates are made, and visiting Hershey Park, historic theme park with roller coaster rides. |
“If you're willing to experiment, you can learn something new, and use it to improve things.”
Ben Franklin invented a stove and lightning rod, owned newspaper and printing business, his experiments with electricity made him famous, organized a hospital and fire department in Philadelphia, one of the Founding Fathers, he worked on the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. (Picture book)
Go with Larry and his dog Pete on an adventure through Philadelphia. While Larry orders a Philly cheesesteak sandwich, Pete disappears. Larry searches down Elsfreth's Alley, past the Betsy Ross House, into Franklin Court, to Independence Square, City Hall, up the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, and finds Pete at the Philadelphia Zoo. (Picture book)
History of the Declaration of Independence, from Thomas Jefferson, sitting in a house in Philadelphia, writing this historic declaration of freedom from Great Britain, debate by the Continental Congress, signers of the document, with historical illustrations. (Chapter book)
Overview and first-hand accounts of life at Valley Forge, the winter quarters of George Washington and Continental Army during the American Revolution. Excellent historical illustrations, with maps and sites at Valley Forge. (Chapter book)
In 1777, nineteen year old Marquis de Lafayette was a major general in the army and aide to George Washington. Lafayette held the line and was wounded at the Battle of Brandywine, foiled a plot to overthrow Washington, helped get support from France, and led key battles in the American Revolution. (Graphic novel)
The words spoken by President Lincoln to dedicate a cemetery for the soldiers who died at Gettysburg is now one of the most famous speeches in American history. (Chapter book)
"Four score and seven years ago, our father brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."
Before you visit Gettysburg battlefield, read about the Civil War between Union and Confederate armies. Find out about this turning-point battle - who were the generals, where were Union and Confederate troops situated, Pickett's Charge, Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, plus illustrations, maps and historic photos. (Chapter book)
Celebrate Pennsylvania Dutch Easter with painted eggs. Children discover beautiful painted eggs in the attic, made by their grandmother when she was a little girl. Soon it's a tradition, the children painting eggs and hanging them on an Easter egg tree. Charming illustrations in a folk art style. (Picture book)
Find out about this yearly holiday on February 2, where Punxsatawney Phil will foretell when spring will arrive, plus origins of the holiday and fun facts about groundhogs. (Picture book)