photos florence italy travel for kids   Travel for Kids
  | florence
Florence Photos
  carousel piazza reppublica florence  
  Carousel, Piazza della Repubblica  
  model leonardo da vinci war machine  
  Model, Leonardo da Vinci war machine  
  uffizi birth of venus botticelli  
  The Birth of Venus by Botticelli, at the Uffizi  
  view of duomo from campanile  
  Cathedral view from the Bell Tower  
  easter sweets cafe gilli  
  Easter sweets, Cafe Gilli  
  relief three musicians bargello museum  
  Bargello Museum  
  journey of the magi fresco palazzo medici-riccardi florence  
  Journey of the Magi frescoes, Palazzo Medici-Riccardi  
  florence palazzo vecchio cameo precious stones  
  Palazzo Vecchio, 16th century cameo  
  galileo statue museo galileo florence  
  Galileo statue, Museo Galileo  
  florence old city walls  
  Old city walls  
  medici coat of arms palazzo vecchio courtyard  
  Medici coat of arms  
  statue boboli gardens  
  Statue, Boboli Gardens  
  florence gold jewelry  
  Florentine gold jewelry  
  ponte vecchio arno  
  Ponte Vecchio and the Arno  
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