Take a walk through the Grand Canyon, to discover its amazing geology, plants and animals, starting at the bottom with the oldest formations. Gorgeous illustrations of how it might have looked millions of years ago, oceans that covered the canyon, fossils preserved in rocks, animals of each zone, such as condors, desert tortoises, bighorn sheep, capture the wonder of the Grand Canyon. (Picture book)
Illustrated history of the Grand Canyon. When Teddy Roosevelt visited, he said, the Grand Canyon is "the most wonderful scenery in the world." Read about the Native Americans and early explorers to the canyon, geology and wildlife, Grand Canyon today, plus fold out map. (Chapter book)
Come along on a hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. What you'll see along the trail, cactus blooming, lizards resting, pictures in stone, trees rooted in red sandstone rock, kingbird calling, condor flying high in the sky, camping by the river under orange canyon walls and full moon shining. (Picture book)
People live at the bottom of the Grand Canyon today, and the mail is carried in on mules. Take a journey down the trail with the postman, wearing a cowboy hat and chaps. Panoramic two-page illustrations into a unique landscape. (Picture book)
Go down the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon with Major John Wesley Powell, the intrepid one-armed explorer, battling a raging river and near starvation, with no idea of what lay ahead. (Graphic novel)
Also picture book: The Last River