Discover what life was like for 102 passengers on board the Mayflower, and story of first year in America. Passengers included pilgrims, servants, orphaned children, crew, and animals, the journey was difficult, living conditions were hard (cold food, seasick passengers). Upon arriving, pilgrims had to find food and build shelter for a severe winter. Excellent illustrations, diagram of the ship, maps, timeline. (Picture book)
Classic story of the Mayflower and first Thanksgiving is only partly true. When the Pilgrims arrived, they did not land at Plymouth Rock. The area was not a "desolate wilderness" Wampanoag people had lived here for thousands of years, they constructed longhouses, farmed crops, hunted and fished. A European explorer kidnapped Native people, sold them as slaves, so Wampanoag distrusted the colonists. First Thanksgiving had military drills, food was ducks and eels, and Pilgrims did not celebrate a first Christmas day. (Illustrated chapter book)
Illustrated biography of Paul Revere, famous for his nighttime ride to Lexington, but he was also an expert silversmith and bell maker, Boston Tea Party member, delivered secret messages throughout the colonies, and was a spy for the Sons of Liberty. (Chapter book)
It's 1775, and orphan Hannah Andrews is sent to work in the home of Thomas Gage, the British governor. There might be balls and picnics in the household, but Hannah, disguised as a boy, rides to warn the patriots. A super adventure, based on real events. (Chapter book)
Henry Thoreau's celebration of nature and simple living, is the
inspiration for this charming story. Two bears, Henry and his
friend, go to the country but Henry chooses to walk, while his
friend earns money to take the train. As his friend toils, Henry
hops on rocks across the river, carves a walking stick and eats
his way through a blackberry patch. (Picture book)
Isabel goes on a whale watching trip off Cape Cod with her class, but in a surprising moment, she’s not in the boat, but under the ocean, swimming with the humpback whales. Living with the whales, Isabel learns their ways and the Song of the whale. A super story that makes you feel as if you’re right there too. (Chapter book)
Ben Franklin grew up in Boston, and already at age 11, he had an idea for an invention how could he swim like a fish? He made swim fins and sandals out of wood, and tried them out in the Charles River. (Picture book)
Loves his apples,
Cakes and pies.
Johnny, Johnny Appleseed.
True story of John Chapman, called "Johnny Appleseed," the boy who grew up tending apple orchards in Massachusetts. Warm and wonderful illustrations. (Picture book)
Take a trip through the Bay State, from Boston, the state capital, to colleges in Cambridge, pilgrims and Native Americans at Plimoth Plantation, Cape Cod, plus fun facts about sports, wildlife and history. (Easy reader)