Oregon state from A to Z in quick rhymes (written by kids) and illustrated with colorful photos. "C is for Crater Lake. After Mount Mazama blew its top, the hole was filled drop by drop." (Picture book)
Captivating novel of young Martha Lesson, who makes her way as a “bronco-girl,” breaking horses for ranches in eastern Oregon. Her gift with horses is essential to the working ranches, and ranch families take her into their rural community. Wonderful local color of a vanished way of life. (Chapter book)
It's spring 1845, meet Stephen and Josephine, starting out on 2,000 mile Oregon Trail, walking or riding a horse, helping with many chores, crossing vast plains, arriving in Oregon City. Plus fun facts – each night the settlers camped in wilderness, traveling without doctors or medicine, trading for supplies from Native Americans, and timeline. (Picture book)
Ranger is a golden retriever search and rescue dog, who time travels to 1850, and joins Sam Abbott and his family heading west on the Oregon Trail. Plenty of dangers along the way, and Ranger is there to help. (Chapter book)
Did you know you can still see wagon tracks on parts of the Oregon Trail? Go west across the United States, with fascinating facts, early explorers, pioneers and 25 activities, write a treaty or diary, map locations on the Oregon Trail, pack for the trip, make moccasins, and more. Good for older kids. (Activity book)
Exciting history of the two-year Lewis & Clark expedition through the roughest country in the West, navigating dangerous rivers, meeting hostile Indians, enduring hunger, endless rain, blizzards, grizzly bears and more. (Illustrated chapter book)
Illustrated history and timeline of the Lewis and Clark expedition, plus 21 activities – stitch a pair of moccasins, make a buffalo mask, drum or dance rattle, recipe for dried fruit, set up a tipi, hoop and pole game, learn sign language and trail signs, and more. Good for older kids. (Chapter book, illustrations)
Going back years, there are numerous Sasquatch (Bigfoot) sightings in Oregon. Journalist Laura Krantz goes into the woods on the search for Bigfoot, including Mt. Hood National Forest. She interviews researchers and scientists, collects storytelling by Native Americans and eyewitness accounts (Sasquatch is stinky), bridging the gap between science and myth about this fascinating creature. Good for older kids. (Chapter book)
Tip: Stop into the North American Bigfoot Center in Boring (Mt. Hood area).
Trails in Oregon and Washington, lakes, waterfalls, high desert, caves, tidepools, beaches, all less than 4 miles.
Every trail has a description, good map, difficulty, length and time to hike, elevation gain, best season, how to get to the trail. Scavenger hunts with photos for each trail highlight trees, flowers, wildlife, scat, rock formations, waterfalls, creeks, caves, you'll see along the way. (Guidebook)