This is the perfect guide to Oregon Coast tide pools, with charming illustrations. Now we know how to identify different sea anemones, lives sponges, chitons, barnacles, crabhermit crabs in black turban snails, different kinds of sea stars. bull kelp, sea lettuce, surfgrass, Turkish washcloth and rockweed algae. (Guidebook)
Discover treasures at the beach shells in all shapes and sizes, ancient pebbles, colored seaweed, red crabs, mermaid's purses, feathers of sea birds perfect introduction to the Oregon coast beaches. (Picture book)
Delightful story to read about sea otters that live off the Oregon Coast. Cycle of life for
a sea otter mother and her pup the mother feeds, washes, and snuggles the pup, and soon pup dives down to find food for himself. Beautifully illustrated! (Picture book)
Also easy reader: Sea Otters
Explore habitats of the Pacific Northwest – beaches and tide pools, forests with freshwater ponds with beaver and salmon, giant trees and diverse wildlife, changing seasons throughout the year. 100 fabulous illustrations of animals, plants, and fascinating facts. (Guide)
120 different hikes on the Oregon coast top to bottom, with maps, trail difficulty, mileage, plus natural history of wildlife and geology. (Guidebook)
Exploring tidepools on the Oregon coast, this fold-out waterproof guide is useful to identify shellfish, plants, marine mammals, shorebirds, coastal habitats. (Guide)