fun things to do with kids in bern switzerland   Travel for Kids

Bern (Berne)

bern berne switzerland
Bern is the capital of Switzerland, but the city center feels like a cozy small town, and the Altstadt is so beautifully preserved, kids can walk through the Middle Ages. According to legend, in 1191 the Duke of Zahringen named the city after the first animal he killed in a hunt - a bear. Bears, the symbol of Bern are everywhere, and kids will want to go on their own special hunt for hazelnut cookies decorated with white icing bears.
Bears of Bern Photo Album
    Old City (Altstadt)
    Zentrum Paul Klee
    South - Museums
    Gurten Park
  Bears, bears, bears – As you travel around Bern, look for bears in all shapes and forms. Here's bears we found – bears on the Clock Tower, Bear Park live bears and carved wooden bears at the kids play area, cookies decorated with bears, bears on the Kornhaus facade, statue of the Duke of Zahringen with a bear eating his helmet, bear fountain on Kramgasse, silver bear drinking cups, the flag of Bern, bear statue in the middle of the Aare River, bears hanging off a hotel window.

Fun food


Sweet shops are stocked with traditional Haselnusslebkuchen, hazelnut cookies decorated with bears, or cookies in the shape of chubby bears.



family hotels zurich switzerland

There's lots of fun things to do with kids in Bern, but you'll need a fun place to stay.

Here's our own Travel for Kids hand-picked list of Bern family hotels, all styles and price ranges, in neighborhoods comfortable for families, and near to places you'll want to explore.

Bern family hotels
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