magical re-telling of the Grimm's classic, a poor shoemaker has
only enough leather for one pair of shoes, but overnight, the shoes
are beautifully made. Who are the mysterious cobblers tiny
elves. Such gorgeous illustrations, you'll want a pair of elf-made
shoes. (Picture book)
Delightful illustrated biography of those talented brothers, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. Trained as lawyers, they did what they loved best – collecting German fairy tales. (Chapter book)
Illustrated history of Berlin, from capital of Germany in World War II, to the Berlin blockade, city divided into East and West in 1961, historic escapes, city reunited Nov. 9, 1989, plus photos and timeline. Good for older kids. (Chapter book)
When the Berlin Wall goes up, a family is divided – father in the West, mother and children in East Berlin. The boy imagines how they could escape, and he starts to dig. (Picture book)
Also, chapter book Escape from West Berlin.
1961. Gerta's family lives in East Berlin - overnight, when the wall goes up, her family is separated. Four years later, Gerta spots her brother and father on the other side of the wall in West Berlin, and begins a dangerous plan to escape. An exciting novel that brings to life
a divided city. (Chapter book)
In 1948, West Berlin was blockaded for almost an entire year, and supplies to the city were flown in. This is the true story of a little girl, and the pilot who dropped something very special from the skies to the children of Berlin. (Picture book)
Sparkling story of Johan Sebastian Bach, musician and composer who came from a family of musicians. Bach sang and played multiple instruments, but he always saw shimmering patterns of music, that turned into glorious sounds. Magical illustrations!
(Picture book)
Biography of Johann
Sebastian Bach a home-grown German composer. He wrote his music, had 20 children, and lived all his entire life in Germany.
(Picture book)
As a kid growing up in 19th century Prussia, Alexander von Humboldt want to learn about nature – from stars in the sky to fireflies in his garden. He grew up to become world-famous scientist and explorer, traveling through jungles of the Amazon, climbing and studying volcanic peaks in the Andes. He was first scientist to describe how mountains, rivers, forests, animals, plants are connected in one ecosystem on earth. (Picture book)
Also, for older kids: The Incredible Yet True Adventures of Alexander von Humboldt
Neuschwanstein has the appearance of a "fairy tale" castle, but it was built by King Ludwig in the 19th century. Overview and illustrations of rooms in the castle – royal residence, towers, courtyards, throne room, singer's hall, rainbow cave. (Picture book)
Take a trip around Germany with Mishi and Mashi – visit Berlin Wall, Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg, Cologne cathedral and Lindt chocolate factory, Frankfurt Zoo, Neuschwanstein Castle, and enjoy treats and snacks – gingerbread, pretzels, wurst, Black Forest cake and red berry pudding. (Picture book)
Take a trip through Munich old and new, ancient city gates, St. Peter's Church, the oldest church in Munich, walk 10 miles to look at everything in the Deutsches Museum, Oktoberfest, art museums, pretzels and sausages, the English Garden, and more. Whimsical illustrations, fun facts, this is a classic. (Picture book)
This Barvarian village is near.
This Bavarian village is far.
These Black Forest pine trees are the same.
These Black forest pine trees are different.
Discover Germany – hikers at the top and bottom of the Alps, cuckoo clocks quiet and loud, Bavarian treats eaten and gone. (Board book)