Illustrated history of Chichen Itza, great city of the ancient Maya, life and culture, religion, astronomy, uncovering the ruins, and latest discoveries inner structure inside El Castillo and sacred well underneath the pyramid. (Chapter book)
Super introduction to ancient Maya daily life and history, calendar and hieroglyphs, gods and sacrifices, plus 25 activities and crafts make a clay drinking cup, royal jewelry, or burial mask, cook tortillas, count with Maya numbers, and more. (Activity book)
Pik, challenges
the mighty god Chac to a ball game if Pik wins, Chac will
bring the rain. A jaguar, quetzal bird and the sacred cenote help
Pik win against Chac. Dazzling cut-paper illustrations. (Picture
Action-packed retelling of a Mayan myth, in graphic novel format. Twin brothers "Hunter" and "Jaguar Deer" challenge the Lords of Death, outsmarting and beating them at their own game. (Graphic novel)
In this Maya folktale, chocolate was the favorite food of the gods in paradise. Kukulkan helped the people of earth bringing corn, music, the Maya calendar, and then he gave them seeds from cacao tree, so they too could eat chocolate. (Easy reader)