Heceta Head Lighthouse – Great place to spend the day, playing on the beach (lots of driftwood), and hike out to the lighthouse, dramatically situated on a high point. Bring binoculars to spot migrating gray whales in April and May. |
Tours of the lighthouse available daily, 11 - 3pm in summer. Trail to the lighthouse is 1 mile round trip. |
Sea Lion Caves – Visit a gigantic sea cave (admission required), chock full of Stellar sea lions barking and lolling on the rocks (typically about 200 sea lions). Hold your nose, the cavern smells very fishy, in fact it stinks. From the viewing decks above, watch sea lions swimming in the water. Sea Lion Caves are 11 miles north of Florence on the coast highway. |
Tip: You can see Stellar sea lions for free, typically at Cape Arago State Park, or Coquille Point in Bandon. |
Oregon Dunes Recreation Area – Oregon Dunes Recreation Area extends from Florence to Coos Bay. Honeyman State Park is 3 miles south of Florence. |